Website & Social Media Requests

Created by Paul Bruce, Modified on Fri, 09 Feb 2024 at 02:02 PM by Paul Bruce


Where possible, all content to be used for Social Media and our website should be our own creations. Obviously, some Social Media content will be content that is to be shared from other accounts, but other than this we should be creating our own graphics/photos/text. Photos containing students and/or staff MUST be checked for photographic consent. This is done on SIMS 

Designing Material 

If you are comfortable designing your own graphics/content for putting on Social Media and our website, there are a few things you need to be aware of in terms of file size, dimensions, and character limits. These are detailed below for each platform.  

We would strongly encourage using Canva to create your content and share your design with the web and social media team. Canva contains all of our school logos and colours, can resize your creations for sharing on a variety of media, and is extremely simple! Sharing designs also makes it easier to collaborate on and ensures there is only ever one ‘copy’ which is always the most up-to-date version. Canva can be accessed from the ‘My Apps’ tab in Microsoft Edge. 


Documents should be named with an appropriately informative title and saved as a Word doc or PowerPoint (any Microsoft format). Ideally this should then be shared with If it is not a cloud-based version, then please email it. 

Video – send a SharePoint link or provide a url or location on the X drive. MP4 format works best. 

Pictures - send a SharePoint link or provide a url or location on the X drive. jpg format works best. Provide some accompanying text suitable for the medium in order to provide context.   

Tell us which page you would like it on – do not just say ‘put this on the website’. 

Social Media 

‘Put this on social media’ is not helpful. You need to be aware of the uses and limitations of each; see below. Once you have decided which would be appropriate, let us know explicitly which platforms you would like it on. Generally speaking, students engage more with Instagram, parents with Facebook. It is fine to use both platforms. All images MUST be the same size/orientation. 

Facebook: Pictures, video, text, hyperlinks. Formats similar to website. 

Instagram: Up to 10 pictures of 1 minute of video + up to 2,200 characters of text. Provide some accompanying text in order to provide context.   


We would usually identify students just by first name and Year group (e.g. Sarah in Year 8). You must have permission from the student if you are displaying their work. Give them the option of displaying it anonymously (e.g. work of a student in Year 8 English). 

Ensure all content is checked/proof-read. Remember this is the public profile of the school. 

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