Sound setup

Created by Paul Bruce, Modified on Fri, 05 Apr 2024 at 10:39 AM by Paul Bruce

A place where you can modify the sounds for the computer is at the bottom right of the desktop using the volume icon. 


right click will open the volume slider where you can change the volume levels. 

The up arrow will show you a list of the possible devices that can be used and will show you which device is in use, (the highlighted one). 


If no device is connected the icon will show a red X 


Right-clicking this icon will open a "User Account Control" window asking for an admin password. This does nothing as there is no device plugged in. 


To access the more sound setup, you can click the cog from the Windows menu. 


Next, select the “System” section. 


On the left-hand side select the “Sound” tab. 


At the top of the next screen, you can choose which device you want the machine to use as the default sound output, the drop-down menu will show the devices that are available to use. These might include the speakers (AUX cable input), the monitor/s if they have been plugged in or use a HDMI, the projector if they are available or headphones if they are plugged in. Select your chosen device from this list.


Device properties can be opened to view more settings for the chosen device here you can disable the sound and change the left and right balance between the speakers.


Next is the “Master Volume” slider to set the volume for the chosen device 


Next is the input device, the input being a microphone whether this is the webcam with a built-in microphone or a visualizer which may also have a microphone, or a simple single microphone. 


Device properties are again where you can disable the microphone, also there is a slider for the microphone input volume. 


Related Settings, Additionally device properties. 

Opens more settings that can changed for a user's custom experience. 


The “Listen” tab can be used to check that a microphone is working, this may cause echo feedback if the speakers are set to a high volume 


The “Levels” tab is where again you can set the volume for the microphone and mute the microphone, if in a “Teams” call this be the cause for the other participants not hearing you. 


Returning to the main settings screen you can see if your microphone is working by the bar moving, and if there is a noise for the microphone to detect. 


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